
а братик-нет о_О

04.12.2010 в 02:50

let me be your killer king
tell no lies
04.12.2010 в 02:55

why not,darling?
04.12.2010 в 03:04

let me be your killer king
cause it's awful ><
04.12.2010 в 03:15

brother's always right.
04.12.2010 в 03:18

let me be your killer king
he loves me..
04.12.2010 в 03:24

are you sure?
04.12.2010 в 03:26

let me be your killer king
about him? absolutely
04.12.2010 в 03:32

and about yourself?
04.12.2010 в 03:39

let me be your killer king
блять, конечно, да.)